Training Materials

Working with Minors:
Information for Those Participating in University-Run or -Affiliated Programs or Activities Involving Minors

The Ashland University community has a strong interest in promoting the safety and preventing the victimization of children. To further this goal, Ashland University has created these training materials. This packet contains important information that individuals must review if they are participating in programs or activities involving minors that 1) the university operates; or 2) that others operate in university facilities.

You are receiving this information because you have been identified as a participant in one such program or activity. You must review the information in this packet and return the attached certification indicating that you have read and agree to comply with the requirements described within. You must also (using the methods described in this packet) determine whether you are a mandated reporter and, if so, agree to comply with the obligations imposed on mandated reporters by state and federal law and by the university. You may also be required to review additional materials depending on the program or activity in question and your role in said program or activity.

This packet contains the following:

  • Guidelines for working with minors that will help you to maintain safe and positive interactions and reduce the risk of mistaken allegations.
  • Warning signs of the abuse and neglect of minors.
  • Steps to take if you suspect that a minor has been abused or neglected or is otherwise unsafe, including information about how to report your suspicions or ask questions.
  • A certification that you must sign to confirm that you have read and understand the information presented and will comply with your obligations as described in this packet.

Guidelines for Working with Minors

Participants of programs or activities involving minors should observe the following “dos” and “don'ts” in order to maintain a safe and positive experience for younger participants. Note that these guidelines are not meant to inhibit medical, psychiatric or other professional interactions with minors where professional standards apply.

  • Maintain the highest behavioral standards at all times when interacting with minors.
  • Have another adult present when you are working with minors in an unsupervised setting. If you are required to interact with minors one-on-one, do so in a public environment where you can be easily observed.
  • Treat all minors in a group consistently, fairly and with respect and dignity.
  • Listen to and interact with minors and provide appropriate praise and positive reinforcement.
  • Be friendly with minors within the context of the program or activity while maintaining appropriate boundaries.
  • If you are required to communicate with minors through social networking media, communicate with all minors in the program equally and consistently and only to fulfill the minimal requirements of the program.
  • Maintain discipline and discourage inappropriate behavior by minors through the use of non-violent methods. Consult with your supervisors if you need help dealing with misbehaving youth.
  • Be aware of how your actions and intentions might be perceived and (mis)interpreted.
  • Consult with other adult supervisors or colleagues when you feel uncertain about a situation.

  • Don’t use inappropriate language, tell risqué jokes or make sexually suggestive comments around minors (even if minors themselves are doing so).
  • Don’t engage in inappropriate touching or have any physical contact with minors in private locations.
  • Don’t spend significant time alone with one minor away from the group.
  • Don’t conduct private interactions with minors in enclosed spaces or behind closed doors.
  • Don’t give personal gifts to minors or perform special favors or acts that indicate favoritism of one minor over others.
  • Don't share information about your private life with minors.
  • Don’t have informal or social contact with minors outside of program activities.
  • Don't email, text or engage with minors through social networking media unless there is an important educational or programmatic reason to do so.
  • Don't strike, hit or use corporeal or physical punishment (or other methods causing discomfort) against minors.
  • Don't relate to minors as if they are peers, conduct private correspondence with minors or take on the role of “confidant” of a minor (outside of a professional counseling relationship).
  • Don't date or become romantically or sexually involved with minors. Don't show pornography to minors or involve minors in pornographic activities.
  • Don't provide alcohol or drugs to minors. Don’t use alcohol or drugs in the presence of minors.

Signs of Abuse and Neglect of Minors

Each state is responsible for providing its own definitions of maltreatment (an all-encompassing term for child abuse and neglect) as directed by standards set by the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). Most states recognize four types of maltreatment: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. Some states include abandonment and/or substance abuse in their definition as well.

For each state’s laws pertaining to child abuse and neglect, refer to the State Statues(link is external) search on Child Welfare Information Gateway. This website also provides civil definitions(link is external) of the terms of maltreatment that determine the grounds for intervention by child protective agencies.

Types of Abuse and Neglect

Non-accidental injury inflicted upon the body of a child by a parent, guardian, caregiver or individual responsible for the child’s safety.

Injuries may be inflicted as a result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, shaking, throwing, stabbing, choking, burning, hitting (with a hand, stick, strap or other object) or other methods of harm. Injuries may range from minor bruises to severe fractures and even death. Such behavior is considered abuse regardless of the caregiver’s intentions. Physical discipline (such as spanking or paddling) is not considered abuse so long as it is reasonable and causes no bodily injury to the child.

Acts or attempted acts of a sexual nature inflicted on a child by an adult.

Such acts include but are not limited to the fondling of genitals, penetration, incest, rape, sodomy, indecent exposure, exposure to pornographic materials and exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials.

A pattern of behavior that impairs a child's emotional development and/or sense of self-worth.

Such patterns may include constant criticism, threats, rejection and/or the withholding of love, support or guidance. Emotional abuse is often identified alongside other types of maltreatment.

The failure of a parent, guardian, caregiver or individual responsible for a child to provide for that child’s basic needs or make reasonable effort to prevent the harm or infliction of abuse upon a minor.

Neglect is a broad term that encompasses many acts of maltreatment. Circumstances that constitute neglect may include:

  • Physical neglect: Failure to provide food, shelter or appropriate supervision to a child.
  • Medical neglect: Failure to provide necessary medical or mental health treatment to a child.
  • Educational neglect: Failure to educate or attend to the special education needs of a child.
  • Emotional neglect: Failure to provide psychological care or attention to a child's emotional needs; permitting a child to use alcohol or other drugs.

Sometimes cultural values, standards of care and poverty contribute to neglect. In such cases, families may simply require information or assistance. It is when a family fails to use information and resources made available to them and that the child’s health and/or safety is at risk that child welfare support may become required.

Acts that expose a child to drugs, alcohol or otherwise illicit substances.

Substance abuse is a broad term and is included in the legal definition of “child abuse” in many states. Circumstances that constitute substance abuse in different states include:

  • Selling, distributing and/or giving illegal drugs or alcohol to a child.
  • Manufacturing methamphetamine in the presence of a child.
  • Prenatal exposure of a child to illegal drugs or alcohol due to usage by the mother.
  • Use of a controlled substance by a caregiver that impairs the caregiver's ability to adequately care for a child.

For more information about this issue, see Parental Substance Use as Child Abuse(link is external) by Child Welfare Information Gateway.

Circumstances where a child lacks the presence or support of a parent, guardian or caregiver entirely.

Abandonment is a broad term that encompasses many acts of maltreatment but is considered a form of neglect in many states. A child is generally considered to be abandoned under the following circumstances (which is by no means a comprehensive list):

  • The identity or whereabouts of a child’s parent is unknown.
  • A child has been left alone in circumstances where the child may suffer or has suffered serious harm.
  • A child’s parent has failed to maintain contact or provide support to the child for a specific period of time.

Recognizing Signs of Abuse and Neglect

In addition to working to prevent a child from experiencing abuse or neglect, it is important to recognize high-risk situations and the signs and symptoms of maltreatment. If you do suspect that a child is being harmed, reporting your suspicions may save their life and get help for their family. Reporting your concerns is not the same as making an accusation; rather, it is a request for an investigation and assessment to determine if help is needed.

Children experiencing abuse or neglect may exhibit the following traits and/or behaviors:

  • Is always watchful, as if preparing for something bad to happen.
  • Displays sudden changes in behavior or school performance.
  • Displays problems with learning or difficulty concentrating that cannot be attributed to specific physical or psychological causes.
  • Consistently lacks adult supervision.
  • Has not received help for physical or medical issues brought to their parents’ attention.

Some children may directly disclose that they have experienced abuse or neglect. For more information on how to handle this disclosure, refer to How to Handle Child Abuse Disclosures(link is external) by Childhelp. This document also provides tips for supporting children who have experienced abuse or neglect and information on the Childhelp child abuse prevention campaign.

If you know, suspect or receive information indicating that a minor has been abused or neglected (or have concerns regarding the safety of minors), notify Ashland University Safety Services by calling 419-207-5555.

If you witness child abuse in progress, call 911 immediately. Contact Safety Services as soon as possible thereafter. They (with support from other departments and entities as needed) will help determine appropriate next steps.

After contacting Safety Services, contact your supervisor, dean or vice president when it is safe and applicable to do so. If you are a mandated reporter (see below), you are required by state law to contact the Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) and/or local law enforcement.

If you have questions about your obligations or what to do in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, contact the Director of Human Resources and Legal Affairs at 419-289-5034.

Some individuals (such as teachers or physicians) are required by state law to report the maltreatment of children under specific circumstances. Several states require all adults to report suspicions of child abuse or neglect. Individuals required to make such reports are known as mandated reporters. The publication Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect(link is external) by Child Welfare Information Gateway discusses the laws that designate mandated reporters.

As written in Ohio law (see Revised Code 2151.421(link is external)), individuals who work in specific occupations and professions are deemed mandated reporters. If you are a mandated reporter and are aware of or suspect that a child is a victim of abuse or neglect in your professional or official capacity, you must report it to law enforcement and/or CFSA. The Ohio child abuse hotline can be reached at 855-642-4453 and is available 24/7. Note that you don’t have to be a mandated reporter to follow this procedure.

For information about where and how to file a report of abuse or neglect, contact your local child protective services agency or police department.

You may contact the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline via phone or text at 800-422-4453 or visit is external) to receive crisis intervention, information, resources and referrals to support services (assistance is available in 170 languages).

For information on what happens when suspected abuse or neglect is reported, see How the Child Welfare System Works on Child Welfare Information Gateway.